For a few years I have been working on this method, and several colleagues, students and PhD;s have contributed to this development. However, capacity and funding is too low to bring it to full maturity. Already some courses in dutch universities use the method in lectures and assignments, and the idea is to expand this to full open source approach, and give anyone with serious interest full openness and material to contribute to the development.
Provided the contributions are serious and valuable ( including opposing views, ) these will come available to this website, and will be integrated in the further development.
For the moment the website is run by myself, but in case of growing interest a expert or review committee can be formed to guard the quality of the progress.
The work is open-source under license of creative commons: it maybe shared and altered, but only for for non commercial use, and with others share alike under creative commons, with reference to original source. (see link in footer bar).
january 2016/2021